Step into the year 2042, a world on the brink of annihilation. Earth is under siege by a mysterious alien fleet, and humanity teeters on the edge of extinction. Yet, a twist of fate unfolds as mankind unearths the power to traverse time. This newfound technology allows them to summon legendary heroes from the annals of history, individuals whose unique abilities might alter the course of this cataclysmic war.The aliens arent invading for resources or conquest; their objective is the total extermination of humanity. They perceive us as a threat to the universe, having observed centuries of human warfare, genocide, and environmental devastation. Convinced of our propensity for violence and self-destruction, they are determined to put an end to it.The alien invasion is merciless, annihilating humans indiscriminately, sparing no age, gender, or race. Entire cities crumble, and entire populations are wiped out, leaving behind a trail of death and desolation.In this grim tableau, a band of survivors unites to form a resistance. Among them, Anya stands out—a young scientist and formidable fighter. Fueled by the desire to avenge her familys demise at the hands of the aliens and driven by a determination to find a way to defeat them and save humanity, she leads this diverse group of heroes.But now, with the ability to time travel, the resistance decides to seek iconic figures from the past who could make a difference. One such character is the legendary King Midas, whose touch turns everything to gold. However, this gift has become a curse and a prison for him. Through time travel technology, the future humanity has found a way to free him from his affliction, motivating him to finally join the fight.The resistance team comprises a variety of individuals with unique skills. In addition to Anya, other notable characters from history—whether fictional or not—are summoned to aid in the struggle.Together, this eclectic band of heroes must carve a path through the alien hordes to reach the mothership. Along their journey, theyll face various challenges, both physical and emotional, but theyll never lose hope, for they know that the fate of humanity rests in their hands.With time as their ally and mythical heroes by their side, the resistance is ready to script a new chapter in human history, facing the alien invaders with unwavering courage and determination. Will they succeed in altering the course of events and secure a future for Earth?